Training and Onboarding Web application

Training and Onboarding Web application

Training and Onboarding Web application
Team involved

1 Business analyst

1 Project Manager

1 Back engineers

1 front engineers

1 Designer

1 QA


Project Activities

Back End
Back End
Business Analysis
Business Analysis
Front End
Front End
UX/UI design
UX/UI design

Technologies and Integrations

Ruby on rails

Onboarding training is crucial for both university students and new employees as they transition into their new environments. For students, onboarding provides essential information about campus resources, academic expectations, and social integration, helping them to quickly acclimate and succeed both academically and personally. For new employees, effective onboarding familiarizes them with the organizational culture, policies, and their specific roles, ensuring they become productive team members swiftly. This foundational training reduces anxiety, enhances engagement, and fosters a sense of belonging, ultimately contributing to higher retention rates and a more cohesive community. Investing in comprehensive onboarding programs is therefore vital for the long-term success and well-being of both students and employees.

Project Overview

In 2017, a client from the USA approached the Gera-IT team with the web service that streamline the onboarding process for new university students. Initially, the platform served as a repository for induction videos and instructions. Since then, our team helped  the project to evolve into a customizable training platform catering to a diverse range of clients, including educational institutions, clinics, churches, food and beverage establishments, real estate companies, and more. The platform supports today user bases ranging from 300-400, with some clients exceeding 1,000 users.

Each student or employee engaged in the onboarding or ongoing learning process is provided with a personal account and tailored learning plan.

Key Features

  • Customized Content: Tailored content for different user groups.
  • Personalized Experience: Customizable features, interface, and branding for each client.
  • Education Process Control: Enhanced oversight of the learning process.
  • Questionnaires and quizzes: Tools for feedback and progress assessment.
  • Live Event Streaming: Capability to broadcast live events.
  • Certificates of Completion: Recognition of course completion.

The platform is continuously evolving to meet the unique needs of new clients. One of its most valuable features is the ability to monitor and control the learning process. Administrators can track individual and group progress, how many users started the process and how many have already completed, identify incomplete tasks, and analyze statistical data on video engagement. This data helps in optimizing content and improving the learning experience.


The primary challenge on this Project is managing time constraints. New clients of the web-application often require rapid implementation of additional features. However, the Gera-IT team is used to working under time pressure and is committed to meeting client expectations. Our long-standing relationship with the client is built on mutual respect, loyalty, and trust.


Despite handling large user bases, the platform maintains a high level of security by not storing personal data, thus eliminating GDPR compliance concerns and minimizing the risk of data breaches. User authentication is managed through a secure Single Sign-On (SSO) method.

The Gera-IT team remains dedicated to enhancing the platform and delivering exceptional service to our clients.

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