Our mission was to provide a complete solution that would cover everyday needs of coworking center.
The platform had to include:
Access system, based on RFID/NFC hardware to allow our end-customers to check in and check out using a card or a phone
Complex logic (system) of tracking and processing user sessions, billing and invoicing capabilities
Solution should be integrated with Cobot platform and then replace it on the 2nd phase
Solution should be wide customized and support multiple coworking centers with own settings
Solutions should be mobile-ready.
RFID terminal for Work.Life members to check-in on entering and leaving the space.
Work.life admin site to work with billing of members
To meet these requirements, we had to use pretty wide mix of technologies and approaches and overcome hardware issues. The team did lots of investigations in order to figure out how to handle undocumented behavior of the 3rd-party platforms and implement very flexible architecture that can stand on future challenges!